• New and remodeled buildings or new furnishings are used to include several chemical substance a lot. e.g. paint, adhesive agent, chipboard and so on.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (Abbr: VOC) are cause of sick building syndrome
  • Recent building materials are controlled volume of discharge of VOC. However these materials are not stopped to use VOC substance. So after 3 – 5 years ago, VOC gas is given off by several building materials. Why could not give out VOC until 3 – 5 years, because VOC using building materials are mixed some VOC absorption agent. This absorption agent had been absorbed VOC until 3 years.
  • After that, it cannot absorb any VOC or it release to air in a room. This problem is became a big problem in the world include Japan.
  • Photocatalyst M-Clean (type of MV-6 or Odor eliminating fluid) can be decomposed and absorbed several VOC gas. These products are made up safety space for human.
Sick building syndrome

After M-Clean application, this room can be reduced formaldehyde gas of 1/5.

If you want to thoroughly remove formaldehyde, which causes sick building syndrome, we recommend Formaldehyde Removal Coat S-3T.

Please visit the site below.

Sick house syndrome measures product (our exclusive site)


Are you suffering from the following symptoms? It might be sick building syndrome.

These symptoms are common at sick building syndrome. ※
Check if you have sick building syndrome.

目に刺激があり、チカチカする。Irritation of eyeRunning nose, CoughWatery eyes
Headache, Dizziness, NauseaFeverFatigue, Sleepy
Eczema, ItchingDifficulty breathing, Chest tightnessIrritation of throat, nose. Dry nose, dry throat

※These symptoms are just references for you. If you have some health concern, please see your physician.

Causative substance

Chemical nameDanger to public health
FormaldehydeCough, feel chest pain, Asthma, Chronic respiratory failure
TolueneCentral nervous system damage
XyleneCentral nervous system damage
ParadichlorobenzeneVigorous stimulation for membrane
StyreneBrain and liver dysfunction
ChlorpyrifosCentral nervous system damage
Phthalate compoundGenital disease
Ethyl benzeneLiver and kidney dysfunction

Generation source

Generation sourceGenerated VOC gas
Wax, CleanerFormaldehyde, Toluene
TabacoFormaldehyde, Acetaldehyde
Open burning appliancesFormaldehyde, Acetaldehyde
Furniture, Carpet, MattressFormaldehyde, Acetaldehyde
PaintFormaldehyde, Acetaldehyde
Beauty product, hair sprayFormaldehyde, Acetaldehyde
Agricultural chemicalsXylene, Allethrin, Permethrin, Fenitrothion, Fenthion, Malathion, so on